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Life Through the Eyes of the Cosmic Heart

High Heart

Last night I lay on my Beloved’s chest listening to his heartbeat and marveling at how such a vast being could also have a physical heart. The seeming contradiction, the paradox of such a thing, was all-consuming of any mental capacity to possibly understand it. Any inclination to understand became swallowed up immediately by the overwhelming wonder of beholding the unfathomable miracle of his existence.

In the silence all things become seen, all mysteries may be known. Through the portal of the cosmic heart we find our way home.

The Healing Power of Relationship

I can honestly say that I would not be in the position I am in today were it not for the help of the beautiful and gentle-hearted men who have come into my world, and I want to thank every single one of them.

Not all of these have been romantic partners, but all have touched me deeply and left a lasting impact on the landscape of my life. For any of you who read this, you know who you are, and I honour you.

It is true that relationship can be that which inflicts wounds or that which heals them, and I have been indescribably lucky with some of the relationships that have crossed my path. I have always said that when we love ourselves enough, somebody who equally matches and mirrors that love will appear before us. When we achieve enough of an inner balance that we no longer need to see the reflection of our dysfunction but instead the expression of our potential manifested, the universe must deliver our heart’s desires. That has happened for me now at least in certain areas, proof that this understanding is indeed true, and I couldn’t be more joyful.

Loving ourselves completely means refusing to settle for less than what we know we can potentially experience and achieve. It means never settling for less than exactly the dreams that we dream of, and never accepting that we are limited despite whatever distorted vision our
world may seem to show us. It means being brave enough to say no, and to say yes, according to our highest inspiration in any moment. Saying yes to life is the prerequisite to drawing towards us the kind of relationships that we really want to have, and saying yes to our whole selves is the key to attracting others who can embrace our whole selves too.

Throughout my years of searching, few have understood the desire to find somebody with whom I could go so deep as to be able to find myself in their eyes and to have that feeling reciprocated. But yet, I feel that this is a desire in the heart’s of almost everyone, it may simply be the case that we have not gone deeply enough into our own hearts to find it there. We may not have looked deeply enough into our own eyes to be comfortable with this kind of intensity, and we must do that first before we are ready to meet others with whom we can share these privileges of mutual unfoldment. How can we expect to handle what we really want in terms of our romantic partners, until we can handle the depth and intensity of ourselves? Only having done this first, have my dreams become apparent. We cannot find the match of ourselves until we know what we ourselves are, and that is a metaphysical concept that applies in the most basic of ways in our daily lives down to the tiniest detail. By coming home to ourselves, we find the natural extension of our home within our world.

There are many things that evolved relationship can do for us, and one of them is to show us wounds within ourselves that we would otherwise never realise are there. It takes somebody to look that deeply into us to unearth all of the little quirks and kinks in the corners that we may have missed by ourselves, and I genuinely feel that we cannot go this process alone. Regarding healing, often people get annoyed when I “go on about” the issues of childhood abuse and sexual trauma, but I’m not going to let up on it until there is not a single person left on the planet who feels unheard with regards to something that been a reality for so long. The problem is not over, and the healing is far from over either when we are only beginning to understand the
potential that this kind of relationship brings.

Just as racism is still a problem, the fact that the tide is turning is not a call for those who have been affected by it and are still hurting just to pretend it didn’t happen. There is work yet to be
done. I don’t want to make this a post about that, but I do want to highlight that it is through loving relationships based in oneness that we can heal all of these things and more. From the starting point of knowing our oneness, we can draw all of life in every single area into the living expression of that reality with us.

Relationship is such an important tool for us to navigate the peaceful reality that we are entering into, but we need to know how to navigate our relationships masterfully. It is not enough to wound others due to our lack of awareness and then to withdraw our attention because we can’t handle the mess we have created or can’t seem to get along. Relationships are our holy temples of initiation and we need to treat them accordingly in order to be able to access the divinity that is inherent in our partners through life’s myriad of experiences be they lovers, mothers, sisters, brothers, colleagues, clients or friends.

The understanding of this is fundamental to the peaceful navigation of our future, and this will form a primary focus for me for at least the foreseeable period going forward.

Through relationship in oneness we have the potential to explore the reality completely transcending dualistic experience, where there are not two but one, standing side by side. The power of love blesses us, but often love is not what we think it to be. Often what we think of as love is just attachment, or dysfunction that tells us we cannot be whole without another and seeking parts of our own being in the illusion of external mirrors. I will speak a great deal more about this later, but for now let us say that in order to find the ones our hearts so thoroughly yearn to be with, we must first find within us the keys that are needed to pivot the curve of our own destiny in the direction of our highest vision. Only then will life deliver.

Take a look around, how many sacred relationships do we already have before us?

Questions and Answers – Crystals

Some more questions answered:

I have been asked recently how I feel about crystals and other
minerals. I love crystals! They have been some of my closest friends
and allies and I always carry at least one rough stone wherever I go
(not including whatever ones I’m actually wearing sort of as part of
my body…)

A few of my favourites are black obsidian, green jade, serpentine and
labradorite. One of my favourite things about working with crystals is
that if we understand the concept of oneness we can actually choose to
embody their consciousness, and take their highest most inspiring
attributes on as our own. In fact we can do this with anything at all,
and crystals are particularly beautiful beings to interact with who
are just ready and waiting to teach us. I have frequently found that
when I am finished learning from any particular crystal in that I have
taken as much wisdom as I possibly can from it, I will simply “lose”
it very suddenly. I always know that it has chosen to go and will be
picked up and found by somebody else just at the right time, and this
makes me smile. We never really own crystals, we just temporarily
share in their presence, and are privileged to get to be their
caretakers for a while. Something I really love to do is to give my
favourite crystals who I have had beautiful relationships with away to
others as gifts. When that happens it is always very special.

Some of the most powerful things I have used crystals for have been
healing from sexual trauma, placed inside the body and also over the
womb and general abdominal area, raising kundalini safely and
genuinely, and grounding my highest spiritual energies into the body.
I plan to make a whole video series on women’s health specifically
pertaining to crystals and their possible uses for healing and
empowerment, as well as the general evolution of consciousness.

I really enjoy showing others how to tune into and care for their
mineral friends. I can hear their voices and their songs, know their
names uses, and also their invidual preferences for how they like to
be kept. They are living conscious beings just like plants and
animals, and can feel neglected in exactly the same way if we ignore
this. I can feel it in my heart when others don’t acknowledge their
livingness, and see directly that the whole of life thrives when we do
see the divinity that is inherent in all of nature. Next time you spot
a crystal, try silently conveying your desire to communicate at least
your appreciation for the magic of its beingness and see what happens.
You might just feel a stir of joyful acknowledgement in your own

A Lesson from the Sprouts and a Tattoo Artist’s Wisdom

A Lesson from the Sprouts and a Tattooists Wisdom

This afternoon I went to tend to the sprouts that I have growing in my cupboard and noticed that they weren’t really growing at all. On inspection, the box that they were in was far too small and they didn’t have any room to move or expand.

All shoots need space to grow! If we don’t give ourselves that space that we need, if we try to squeeze ourselves into boxes that no longer fit, we can never become the things that we know in our hearts that we want to be. Our dreams will never sprout if we seek the comfort of boxes rather than the explosive nature of instead allowing ourselves to blow off the lid of conformity and break free.

Boxes – one of the greatest pitfalls on the path to Spiritual Mastery.

Professional tattoo artists who are highly skilled at their craft can often be heard saying things like “go big or go home”, meaning, get a proper tattoo or don’t bother.

This concept applies so well to the dreams of our heart, our visions for what life can be like and what we’d like it to be, and for how we see ourselves in relation to the positive impact that we can have on the world. There is no point whatsoever in dreaming small, because this is all that we’ll ever achieve if we do.

Perhaps we feel that our dreams are too large to actually be possible, for example we might need a team of assistants, we might need resources or equipment that we don’t have, or all manner of other things. If we cut the dreams short at that we stifle our own potential, and end up leaving only a tiny mark compared to what is actually possible if we tap into the full scope of ourselves and the magic that is already waiting inside.

My advice has always been and always will be to dream as big as you possibly can! Yes, some people are going to tell you it’s rubbish, that you’re mad, that what you want it’s impossible, some people will do everything in their power to cut you down. But where there’s a will there’s always a way, otherwise it would be impossible to even have the will in the first place. Absolutely anything that we can dream can be made into a reality if we work tirelessly not to battle external circumstances but to quell the battle of doubt within that tells us that Infinite potential is not ours to hold. Everything that we need is actually encoded in our cells, in every atom of our DNA, it just has to be brought online by the perspective that all things are possible and Infinite potential is the only reality. Knowing this, we can sing the praises of the glory of God because we know that that same glory is actually what we are, and what everyone else is too.

How can we but love when we see that freedom was ours all along? How can we be but grateful at the miracle of just being alive in a world where divine magic is at our own fingertips? All of this and more lights our DNA up like a house on fire, catapulting us into the reality that we were made for from the start.

The people who oppose us are gifts in disguise because they show us our own fears and doubts, they too are divine potential made manifest into form, and we can use everything that crosses our path as an impetus to spur us higher and higher and higher.

When we take everything as a gift and embrace it within the inclusive stronghold of our love, life itself is lit up by the gift of our presence.