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Notes from a Voyage

Today I have been engaged in the process of clearing out all of my paper work, including preparing a whole bunch of old notebooks for a ceremonial burning, and have found some interesting things.

I keep several notebooks at a time in which I write detailed lists of the things that I want to manifest, how I would like my life to be, and what would give me most joy to see, as well as the things that inspire me and various and random little notes on snippets of things that flash across my consciousness but are not specifically to be used for example as an article, a poem, whatever it is I want to write.

Every so often I collect old things up to have a fire in which I release all that has gone before, and I am always delighted to flick back over what I have written and see how it has actually come to pass, but in a much, much more refined and wonderful way than I possibly could have imagined if I tried to orchestrate it myself by enforcing my will on life. I just put out the intention for the most beautiful thing I can imagine, and let life fill in the details for me.

The other wonderful thing about this process is it shows just that – everything is a process. Dreams take time to manifest, and we’ve got to be consistent with our efforts and totally trusting in the divine plan that the highest possible outcome for all of life will unfold and that the very best we can do is to be a vessel or an instrument for this to take place through. Sometimes I find big big dreams that I’ve written 6 months to a year ago, and signs of its actual coming to pass in a very solid form are only beginning to show now. Not everything takes this long, we can close the gap between cause and effect and experience instantaneous manifestation, but the “gestation period” for these larger visions shows that when it comes to life’s big goals and dreams, it takes time and patience and lots and lots of faith to see things through.

Writing down lists is an amazing way to keep track of our progress, and gives us a great big boost when it feels like things aren’t really moving all that fast.